
Personal web page of Björn Lindström

Entries on Photos:

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Unknown Soldier

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By a lake in Jämtland, while waiting for a fish to bite. Made with two stacked 50 mm lenses

Small Country Church

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The 15th century church of Ragunda parish, Jämtland, through an aperture in its bell tower.

Flowering Head

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Man and flower in the Uppsala botanical garden.


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Jackdaws flocking over Uppsala.


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The bumblebees favour these blue flowers in Uppsala's Botanical Garden.

Sales Pitch

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My friend Zrajm wants to sell you his pocket dictionary of Klingon. Clearly a must have for anyone with too much time on their hands.

Sheep 641

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I did this long hand held capture using the technique of zooming in during the exposure.



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I did this long hand held capture using the technique of zooming in during the exposure.

In the Pink

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This was made looking for pink subjects for an assignment.