
Personal web page of Björn Lindström

Entries on Photos:

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Flautist Amputee

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A fountain sculpture in the Uppsala town garden.

Tied Together

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I went for a photographic dog walk with an acquaintance. Here posing on a bicycle path on Uppsala's east side.

An Education

An Education

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Friend's daughter reading an improving comic book.



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Jackdaws flocking at dusk.

Rebecka, Rebecka, Rebecka

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Another composite with a small acquaintance.

Receiving All Things She Never Departs from Her Own Nature

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A composite group portrait, made in the botanical garden of Uppsala.


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Me and a sporty French car on a field outside of Uppsala.

Lost and Found

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This is a line for hanging lost gloves and such in Uppsala's English garden. While I was taking the picture a lady took time out of her day to stay and point out to me what an eyesore the arrangement is.

The Light of Learning

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Portrait with Uppsala's grand university library, taken with a make-shift tilt-shift lens, made from a regular 50 mm lens and som bicycle inner-tube.

White Water and Colourful Mist

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Hällingsåfallet is a waterfall in northern Jämtland, falling into a canyon, probably formed by the end of the last ice age.