
Personal web page of Björn Lindström

Simple Nextcloud To-Do List Automation with Python and WebDAV

By Björn Lindström in Programming about Nextcloud and Planning — 

I keep a task list in a todo.txt format in Nextcloud. They are simply kept as two text files, todo.txt and done.txt in the root of my Nextcloud user directory.

Some clients already have the option to move tasks from todo.txt to done.txt when you mark a task as done. However, I would prefer they stick around in the todo.txt for a while, in case I change my mind.

At first I thought I'd just write a script to run as a cronjob on the server hosting Nextcloud, but that won't work with syncrhonization, as it won't let Nextcloud know the files have changed. I then thought there must be an API to read/write files to Nextcloud, and then quickly realized that this API is WebDAV. So, I should be able to make a Python script to do this, using requests. A more full-featured WebDAV library would be overkill for this.


Here's what the script will do.

  1. Get the todo.txt file.
  2. If there are any completed tasks in there, get the done.txt file.
  3. Strip the completed tasks from todo.txt.
  4. Append the completed tasks to the content from done.txt.
  5. Update todo.txt.
  6. If there was no problem updating todo.txt, update done.txt. This step has to be retried in case of a conflict, because now the only copy of those done tasks is in the script's memory.

This still leaves room for some issues if the script crashes in the middle of running, but I figured if it happens I'd get a mail from cron, and there's a file history in Nextcloud so I can sort it out then. After running this a few months now it still hasn't happened.


Starting with imports and stuff of course:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import configparser
import re
import sys

import requests

In todo.txt, tasks are marked as done by prepending the token x at the start of the line. For this purpose, that's really all we need to do, so I just create regexp to match these lines:

DONE_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"^x\b")

That's it for the parsing.

Now, as this script will update two files, and I don't want to lose any tasks, I need to worry about race conditions. In other words, I'll need to use ETags.

For the structure of the script, I at first wrote it using the Plumbum CLI application, but later found that it was adding so little benefit I didn't want that dependency. Instead I'll use configparser and argparse for the same thing. For error handling, I'll have functions return one of these values, and translate them to return codes at the end.

SUCCESS = object()
FAILURE = object()

It's time for the main function.

def main():
    # Parse command line arguments
    argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "-c", "--config", help="configuration filename"
    arguments = argument_parser.parse_args()
    config_filename = arguments.config

    # Parse configuration
    config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
        username = config_parser.get("Connection", "username")
        password = config_parser.get("Connection", "password")
        hostname = config_parser.get("Connection", "hostname")
    except configparser.Error:
            'Missing configuration in "{}".\n'.format(
        return FAILURE

    # Perform maintenance
    return archive_done_tasks(hostname, username, password)

This allows you to pass a command line argument pointing you to a configfile containing something like this:

hostname = your.nextcloud.instance.net
username = your_user_name
password = v3ris3curep4ssworð

Now, the function that's the meat of the script, which actually gets and updates the files, and moves the completed tasks over.

The first loop will get the todo.txt, then put it back after filtering out the completed tasks.

If the initial GET fails, it will return successfully, since that probably means the server is unavailable, and we are better off just waiting for the next time cron triggers the script.

The next loop will retry up to ten times, because at that point todo.txt has been updated, so we should try a bit harder to get done.txt into a correct state.

This function is a bit long and would benefit from refactoring. (Pull requests accepted.)

def archive_done_tasks(hostname, username, password):
    base_url = "https://{}/remote.php/dav/files/{}/".format(
        hostname, username

    session = requests.Session()
    session.auth = (username, password)

    todo_url = "{}/todo.txt".format(base_url)
    done_url = "{}/done.txt".format(base_url)

    todo_put = None
    while (todo_put is None) or not (
        200 <= todo_put.status_code < 300
        todo_get = session.get(todo_url)

        # If the first GET fails, just return and wait for next
        # time script is run.
        if not (200 <= todo_get.status_code < 300):
            return SUCCESS

        todo_lines = todo_get.content.decode(

        updated_todo_lines = []
        added_done_lines = []

        for line in todo_lines:
            if DONE_LINE_RE.match(line):

        if not added_done_lines:
            # Nothing to do.
            return SUCCESS

        todo_put = session.put(
            headers={"If-Match": get_etag(todo_get)},

    done_put = None
    i = 0
    while (done_put is None) or not (
        200 <= done_put.status_code < 300
        done_get = session.get(done_url)
        if not (200 <= done_get.status_code < 300):

        done_lines = done_get.content.decode("UTF-8").splitlines(

        done_put = session.put(
            "".join(done_lines + added_done_lines).encode(
            headers={"If-Match": get_etag(done_get)},

        # Retry this a few times since we updated todo.txt
        #  and want to get done.txt into a correct state.
        i += 1
        if i >= 10:
            return SUCCESS

Here's the helper function to get the etag from a requests.Response object. I found that the ETags from Nextcloud has a content type suffix, so had to make another regexp to remove that :

ETAG_RE = re.compile(r'^"(.*)-gzip"$')

def get_etag(response):
    tag = ETAG_RE.match(response.headers["etag"]).group(1)
    return '"{}"'.format(tag)

Finally, we call the main function like this. The SUCCESS and FAILURE objects are converted into status codes and the script exits accordingly.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    result = main()

    if result is SUCCESS:
    elif result is FAILURE:

Here is the entire script.

This is just a start, if you want more advanced automation, handy things that could be added include (again, pull requests accepted):

  • Parse tags indicating repeating tasks. When those are completed, move the current one to done.txt, but create a new task for the next occurance at the same time.
  • Change it to keep completed tasks in done.txt for a certain numer of days after the completion date.